Home // Volunteer

Make a Difference

If you have a heart for people with special needs, do consider volunteering with us!
Check out the opportunities below and give our Volunteer and Community Relations Officer a call at 6787-3200!


Volunteer With Us

If you have a heart for people with special needs, do consider volunteering with us!

Check out the opportunities below and give our Volunteer Management Officer a call at 6787-3200!


Be Our Champion of Hope

Arts & Crafts
Arts and Crafts can be therapeutic and relaxing for people with disabilities. It can also help improve fine motor skills, and provide opportunities to practice moderation in their emotional responses.

Volunteer if you have:

  • A flair for arts and crafts
  • A passion to teach and enjoy having a creative fun time with special needs people


  • Any week day (Monday – Friday)
  • Morning: 10:30 am – 12:00 pm
  • Afternoon: 1:00pm – 2:30 pm.
Story Telling

Stories can bring colour into lives. if you love to tell stories or put up puppet shows, do drop us a line and volunteer. We’d love to have you share your special gift with us.


  • Any week day (Monday – Friday)
  • Morning: 10:30 am – 12:00 pm
  • Afternoon: 1:00pm – 2:30 pm.

Dance brings joy. For our special needs clients, dancing is also a therapy that will help them synchronize mind to body movements.

If you like dancing, come and share your joy with us. You can start by teaching them some simple dance steps but more importantly, have a whale of a time jiving together.


  • Any week day (Monday – Friday)
  • Morning: 10:30 am – 12:00 pm
  • Afternoon: 1:00pm – 2:30 pm.

Do you love cooking? Come, help us in one of the following activities:

A. Home Living Activities
Teach our clients to prepare simple meals like making sandwiches, salads, pancakes and other easy preparations. Come, share your new recipe ideas with us and help our clients develop their home living skills.


  • Any week day (Monday – Friday)
  • Morning: 10:30 am – 12:00 pm
  • Afternoon: 1:00pm – 2:30 pm.

B. In Our Kitchen
 Help our Cook prepare lunch for the day.


  •  Any week day (Monday – Friday) 09:45 am – 12:00 pm
    (Volunteers can choose to come and help out at any time as long as it is within this time range. Just let us know.)
Lending a Helping Hand

Try your hand and explore helping people with disabilities.

Just drop by and help our program staff supervise clients during different programme activity segments. This could include overseeing table tasks like puzzle solving, taking walks in the park or helping with physical exercises, such as playing ball games.

Our clients love chatting with people and enjoy the company of volunteers!


  • Any week day (Monday – Friday)
  • Morning: 10:30 am – 12:00 pm
  • Afternoon: 1:00pm – 2:30 pm.
Be a Friend

Volunteer to be a friend to the families and caregivers of our special people. Encourage them and show them that you care with a short chat or encouraging sms.

Contact us and we will do our best to connect you with a family.

Others ( Hairdressing, Sports, Dental )

Use your skills and talents to benefit our special people be it in hairdressing, sports, medical and dental services, writing, photography, public speaking … do contact us.

We’re sure we can fit you in!

Volunteer as a Group ( School/Corporation/Others )

If you wish to volunteer as a group and have ideas for special Arts and Crafts, Games, Dance or Outing sessions, please share these with us. We would be most happy to set aside some special time for your team to conduct these programs for our clients.


  • Any week day (Monday – Friday)
  • Morning: 10:30 am – 12:00 pm
  • Afternoon: 1:00pm – 2:30 pm.
Opportunities an Contacts

We are always looking out for opportunities for our clients to interact with the general public as we believe that this is key to growing understanding and communication between people with special needs, their families and the community at large.

We call it advocacy for the handicapped.

[email protected]


Volunteer Application Form

Please fill out our Volunteer Application Form, as this can help us find the best fit you in our client programs.

    VICTOR - Arts and Crafts, Interactive DramaRecreational Activities with beneficiariesBowling with our BeneficiariesHydrotherapy session, accompany BeneficiariesFarming with our BeneficiariesHydrotherapy with our BeneficiariesVolunteering in a GroupFlag Day 23rd Nov, Sat 9am-6pm (min. 3 hours volunteering)BefriendingDancingStory TellingLending a Helping HandOthers